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Portfolio Page

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Going Beyond Hair Texture

An in-depth analysis of consumers with natural & curly textured hair to expand beyond antiquated product solutions primarily tied to curl-type in order to focus on larger factors that feed into consumers’ identities and their overall relationships with their hair through the development of rich, complex consumer profiles.

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Beauty. Multicultural Strategy.

Contextualizing American Food Cultures

A deep dive into the world of food in the US to identify rare, exciting and emergent trends in food, beverages, snacking, and restaurant culture.

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Food & Bev. Cultural Context.

Winning Black Fans in Sports Content & Marketing

An investigation into the lives and experiences of Black sports fans to determine pillars of engagement, connection and resonance beyond today

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Media. Sports. Multicultural.

Investigating & Substantiating a Total Market Strategy

A thought leadership study on the impact of ethnicity in advertising

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Thought Leadership. Multicultural.

Tracking Cultural Shifts in Beauty

An analysis of the larger cultural shifts impacting consumers perceptions, behaviors and purchase decisions on a daily basis coupled with an in-depth look into how these shifts will ultimately will impact the beauty space today and in the future.

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Beauty. Cultural Strategy.

The Modern Home of the Future

A deep dive into the world of “home” to identify how meanings of home have changed, why, and to identify key emergent trends responsible for leading the transformation of the home.

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Home. Cultural Strategy. Innovation. Semiotics.

The Evolution of the Creator Economy

A cultural context analysis of the evolution of the creator economy to 1) understand the state of creativity today, 2) identify innovation opportunities and 3) provide thought leadership pillars to activate against for a well-known creator brand to utilize and solidify its place as the leader of the category.

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Media. Cultural Context. Thought Leadership.

The Evolution of Identity in America

A contextual analysis of the history of identity formation in the United States in order to understand how it was intentionally shaped, why, and how it’s evolved overtime in order to understand future implications and identify new opportunities to connect with the consumer of tomorrow.

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Tech. Multicultural Strategy. Semiotics.

Telecommunications B2B Branding

A semiotic & competitive analysis of the telecommunications landscape to identify how B2B brands were communicating to consumers, the key archetypes they employed, and areas of opportunity for the client to consider moving forward.

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Telecommunications. Tech. Semiotics.

Positioning a Medical Aesthetics Brand

Assisting an agency with creating a culturally relevant global platform for a new entrant toxin and filler brand in a way that disrupts the marketplace and engages consumers in new and interesting ways.

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Pharma. Beauty. Luxury. Brand Strategy.

New Opportunities for Diversity in Portrayals & Storylines In Streaming

Decoding Black storytelling across streaming platforms to identify saturation within the media landscape and to determine where new opportunities for emergent Black storylines and Black character portrayals to emerge in order to reflect a wider breadth of the lived experiences of Black consumers.

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Media. Semiotics. Multicultural Strategy.

Global Positioning for Pain Relief

A deep dive into the cultural significance of a central brand positioning idea and the key historical and signified meanings over time may impact how that message is communicated differently across Mexico, Brazil, Italy and the US.

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Pharma. Cultural Strategy.

Exploring Racial Bias in Retail

A cultural context analysis on race in America for a national beauty retailer seeking to better understand the impact of racism, discrimination and unconscious bias in order to pioneer permanent organizational initiatives and category shifts to prevent harmful treatment of employees and guests in retail settings.

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Fashion & Retail. Multicultural Strategy.

Employer Diversity Study

Connecting with qualified aspirational employees of color to understand perceptions around working within and applying to jobs within STEM fields with the goal of creating employer empathy while identifying and eradicating any potential barriers to entry/ unconscious bias.

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Multicultural Strategy.

Decoding Trucks

An in-depth analysis of the evolution of the truck category to understand how meanings of trucks have changed over time, while deciphering how visual and verbal signals have shown up in order to identify key meanings and associations with the category and highlight new ways to connect and resonate with target audiences today and in the years to come.

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Automotive. Cultural Strategy. Semiotics.

Decoding Masculinity

Investigating the media landscape of commercials in order to better understand which portrayals of men in advertising were dominating the media landscape and how that may have contradicted with the portrayals real men actually wished to see more of.

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Media. Cultural Strategy. Semiotics.

Decoding Luxury in North America

An in depth review on how meanings of luxury emerged and shifted over time in the U.S. and Canada in order to serve as foundational learning partnered with a semiotic exploration to identify white space opportunities for emergent brand positioning strategies.

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Fashion & Retail. Luxury. Cultural Strategy. Brand Strategy. Semiotics.

Decoding Hip Hop

An analysis on the evolution of hip hop by understanding how it has been expressed in culture throughout history to identify fresh, new messaging opportunities for a brand to connect more authentically to their audience.

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Food & Beverage. Cultural Strategy. Multicultural Strategy. Semiotics.

Decoding Ethnicity in Finance

A semiotic decoder analyzing how ethnicity is portrayed in finance in order to identify untapped white space opportunities to explore.

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Semiotics. Multicultural Strategy. Finance.

Decoding Cultures Of Money

An analysis of the evolution of the cultural conversation around money and the impact those shifts have on the decision making habits of consumers today and tomorrow.

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Financial Services. Cultural Strategy. Semiotics.

Contextualizing Black Love

Outlining the history of portrayals of Black love, attraction and appeal in media and its impact on the perceptions of Black consumers and relationships to serve as a thought leadership piece for a well-known television brand.

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Media. Cultural Strategy. Multicultural Strategy.

Brand Archetype Development

An in-depth analysis and exploration of the key archetypes ruling the telecommunications category in order to identify new archetype opportunities for a brand seeking to develop a more consistent but memorable brand voice & tone in the marketplace.

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Telecommunications. Cultural Strategy.

Black Women's Hair Study

An in depth look at the enduring relationship Black women have with their natural hair and an exploration into how it informs their daily experiences, and their product purchase decisions in order to build empathy and create new solutions for their hair-care shopping needs.

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Beauty. Multicultural Strategy.

Black Women in the Workplace Study

A series of conversations with Black women from various levels in their careers with the purpose of gaining a better understanding of their perceived biases and experiences in the workplace and how this informs their day to day engagements with the hope of identifying new opportunities to make the experience more enjoyable.

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Media. Multicultural Strategy.

Black Women in Media Study

An in-depth series of conversations on the topic of real-life vs. media portrayals of Black women with men and women from varied backgrounds in order to understand how Black women are often portrayed in media vs. how they actually wish to be seen in the media landscape.

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Media. Multicultural Strategy.

An Online Retail Strategy

Connecting with consumers through a series of qualitative and quantitative methods to fully understand who the modern woman of today is, and ultimately what drives her clothing and shopping needs.

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Fashion & Retail. Brand Strategy.

An Immersive Language Study

A cultural context analysis on how language has evolved overtime, how and why, and what it may mean for the future of language for a national media company.

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Cultural Context. Thought Leadership. Media.

A Competitive Analysis on Pain Relief

Identifying brand messaging saturation points and areas to explore in a competitive analysis study that focused on pain reliever speed and efficacy.

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Pharma. Brand Strategy. Semiotics.

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